Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Mockito InvocationOnMock - checking an argument


In one of my projects we had a very interesting situation in terms of testing. We couldn't mock an invocation of a static method due to the fact that PowerMock was not allowed to be used so there were plenty of objects and dependencies being initialized. What is more we were using a custom made dependency injection system that had a possibility of injecting a mock.

The problem was such that during a test we wanted to assert whether one of the objects was in a very precise state. This object was created using the new operator so we couldn't mock it (again no PowerMock allowed). Fortunately this object got passed to a method of an object that we could mock...

As presented below timeConsumingExternalService is an object that we could mock via the custom dependency injection system whereas the SomePojo class is an object whose state we would like to verify.

timeConsumingExternalService.processSomeObject(new SomePojo("name", "surname", 1, 1.0));

So what we did was that in our mock to which the object got passed we created a new Answer (the same Answer that I spoke of here). Due to which we could access the InvocationOnMock and the arguments passed to the method as such.

Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Object>() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
Object[] object = invocation.getArguments();

if (object.length > 0) {
SomePojo somePojo = (SomePojo) object[0];

Assert.assertEquals("name", somePojo.getName());
LOGGER.debug("Names are equal");
Assert.assertEquals("surname", somePojo.getSurname());
LOGGER.debug("Surnames are equal");
Assert.assertTrue(1 == somePojo.getIntValue());
LOGGER.debug("Ints are equal");
Assert.assertTrue(1.0 == somePojo.getDoubleValue());
LOGGER.debug("Doubles are equal");

LOGGER.debug("Object being an argument of the function [" + String.valueOf(somePojo) + "]");
return null;

Of course the logs regarding the equalities are unnecessary since if they wouldn't be equal we would have an assertion exception - I left them for the purpose of this post.

And in the logs we can find:

pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:48 Names are equal
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:50 Surnames are equal
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:52 Ints are equal
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:54 Doubles are equal
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:56 Object being an argument of the function [SomePojo [name=name, surname=surname, intValue=1, doubleValue=1.0]]

So in this way something that seems impossible to be verified can get verified :)


Thanks to Holger's suggestion I took a look at the ArgumentCaptor object and that is true that it is an elegant solution to retrieve information about the arguments executed on a method. Where InvocationOnMock can give you much more information and possibilities (for instance regarding the method being executed or just execute the real method) for this particular case a much more elegant, easier and faster way of dealing with the issue would be:

  //service that executes the external service

final ArgumentCaptor<SomePojo> argumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(SomePojo.class);
SomePojo somePojo = argumentCaptor.getValue();
Assert.assertEquals("name", somePojo.getName());
LOGGER.debug("Names are equal");
Assert.assertEquals("surname", somePojo.getSurname());
LOGGER.debug("Surnames are equal");
Assert.assertTrue(1 == somePojo.getIntValue());
LOGGER.debug("Ints are equal");
Assert.assertTrue(1.0 == somePojo.getDoubleValue());
LOGGER.debug("Doubles are equal");

The logs:
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.junit.SomeTask:26 Before processing an object
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.junit.SomeTask:28 After processing an object
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:75 Names are equal
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:77 Surnames are equal
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:79 Ints are equal
pl.grzejszczak.marcin.ServiceIntegrationTest:81 Doubles are equal

Thanks again Holger!

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